date value vard vardd 06/1971 6729 title Estimated Resident Population; Male; 51 06/1972 7581 narrow cat. Estimated Resident Population By Single Year Of Age, South Australia 06/1973 7323 broad cat. National, state and territory population 06/1974 7272 unit Persons 06/1975 7537 prices - 06/1976 7323 source ABS 06/1977 7834 dataset 3101.0 06/1978 7672 seriestype Original 06/1979 7651 06/1980 7420 06/1981 7343 06/1982 6946 06/1983 6461 06/1984 6596 06/1985 6592 06/1986 6307 06/1987 6766 06/1988 6804 06/1989 6894 06/1990 7240 06/1991 7139 06/1992 7477 06/1993 7613 06/1994 7912 06/1995 8378 06/1996 8867 06/1997 8868 06/1998 10887 06/1999 10246 06/2000 10307 06/2001 10461 06/2002 10216 06/2003 10206 06/2004 10464 06/2005 10393 06/2006 10797 06/2007 10823 06/2008 10889 06/2009 11124 06/2010 11329 06/2011 11418 06/2012 11819 06/2013 11491 06/2014 11585 06/2015 11448 06/2016 11053 06/2017 10958 06/2018 10764 06/2019 11170 06/2020 11416 06/2021 11562 06/2022 12071 06/2023 11699