date value vard vardd 06/1971 833 title Estimated Resident Population; Male; 71 06/1972 897 narrow cat. Estimated Resident Population By Single Year Of Age, Tasmania 06/1973 891 broad cat. National, state and territory population 06/1974 847 unit Persons 06/1975 909 prices - 06/1976 978 source ABS 06/1977 962 dataset 3101.0 06/1978 1061 seriestype Original 06/1979 1110 06/1980 1121 06/1981 1122 06/1982 1153 06/1983 1215 06/1984 1273 06/1985 1413 06/1986 1281 06/1987 1328 06/1988 1379 06/1989 1270 06/1990 1277 06/1991 1370 06/1992 1499 06/1993 1503 06/1994 1545 06/1995 1591 06/1996 1542 06/1997 1652 06/1998 1623 06/1999 1661 06/2000 1673 06/2001 1667 06/2002 1713 06/2003 1631 06/2004 1623 06/2005 1688 06/2006 1678 06/2007 1703 06/2008 1814 06/2009 1918 06/2010 2055 06/2011 2110 06/2012 2138 06/2013 2252 06/2014 2297 06/2015 2573 06/2016 2494 06/2017 2607 06/2018 3329 06/2019 3106 06/2020 3035 06/2021 3158 06/2022 3157 06/2023 3260