date value vard vardd 09/1983 21 title Private; Gross fixed capital formation - Dwellings - Alterations and additions 12/1983 24 narrow cat. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Tasmania 03/1984 27 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1984 28 unit $ Millions 09/1984 28 prices Current prices 12/1984 25 source ABS 03/1985 27 dataset 5206.0 06/1985 29 seriestype Seasonally Adjusted 09/1985 30 12/1985 32 03/1986 33 06/1986 29 09/1986 32 12/1986 43 03/1987 31 06/1987 38 09/1987 37 12/1987 37 03/1988 31 06/1988 38 09/1988 40 12/1988 40 03/1989 42 06/1989 42 09/1989 46 12/1989 44 03/1990 49 06/1990 49 09/1990 47 12/1990 47 03/1991 42 06/1991 43 09/1991 45 12/1991 47 03/1992 54 06/1992 54 09/1992 54 12/1992 55 03/1993 61 06/1993 55 09/1993 59 12/1993 66 03/1994 62 06/1994 73 09/1994 63 12/1994 71 03/1995 63 06/1995 63 09/1995 67 12/1995 56 03/1996 65 06/1996 61 09/1996 58 12/1996 57 03/1997 58 06/1997 62 09/1997 56 12/1997 63 03/1998 61 06/1998 51 09/1998 57 12/1998 52 03/1999 54 06/1999 61 09/1999 62 12/1999 67 03/2000 65 06/2000 74 09/2000 64 12/2000 61 03/2001 78 06/2001 76 09/2001 87 12/2001 109 03/2002 72 06/2002 85 09/2002 78 12/2002 89 03/2003 87 06/2003 88 09/2003 147 12/2003 153 03/2004 168 06/2004 151 09/2004 142 12/2004 152 03/2005 153 06/2005 157 09/2005 152 12/2005 151 03/2006 146 06/2006 149 09/2006 153 12/2006 144 03/2007 142 06/2007 151 09/2007 159 12/2007 165 03/2008 165 06/2008 170 09/2008 163 12/2008 166 03/2009 169 06/2009 155 09/2009 167 12/2009 170 03/2010 175 06/2010 179 09/2010 158 12/2010 181 03/2011 191 06/2011 171 09/2011 196 12/2011 189 03/2012 182 06/2012 171 09/2012 160 12/2012 170 03/2013 157 06/2013 167 09/2013 180 12/2013 179 03/2014 203 06/2014 192 09/2014 185 12/2014 176 03/2015 189 06/2015 209 09/2015 192 12/2015 220 03/2016 145 06/2016 157 09/2016 153 12/2016 164 03/2017 142 06/2017 129 09/2017 139 12/2017 130 03/2018 145 06/2018 153 09/2018 151 12/2018 162 03/2019 145 06/2019 175 09/2019 170 12/2019 162 03/2020 171 06/2020 167 09/2020 170 12/2020 186 03/2021 187 06/2021 209 09/2021 232 12/2021 223 03/2022 225 06/2022 216 09/2022 218 12/2022 226 03/2023 257 06/2023 238 09/2023 234