date value vard vardd 09/1983 81 title Private; Gross fixed capital formation - Dwellings - Alterations and additions 12/1983 89 narrow cat. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Western Australia 03/1984 91 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1984 102 unit $ Millions 09/1984 103 prices Current prices 12/1984 101 source ABS 03/1985 104 dataset 5206.0 06/1985 111 seriestype Seasonally Adjusted 09/1985 118 12/1985 119 03/1986 125 06/1986 126 09/1986 127 12/1986 133 03/1987 119 06/1987 124 09/1987 130 12/1987 149 03/1988 151 06/1988 143 09/1988 162 12/1988 166 03/1989 187 06/1989 171 09/1989 227 12/1989 203 03/1990 216 06/1990 224 09/1990 213 12/1990 212 03/1991 225 06/1991 224 09/1991 202 12/1991 211 03/1992 200 06/1992 177 09/1992 215 12/1992 226 03/1993 239 06/1993 261 09/1993 264 12/1993 246 03/1994 251 06/1994 253 09/1994 269 12/1994 263 03/1995 259 06/1995 240 09/1995 288 12/1995 273 03/1996 261 06/1996 268 09/1996 244 12/1996 263 03/1997 254 06/1997 277 09/1997 263 12/1997 282 03/1998 325 06/1998 295 09/1998 294 12/1998 334 03/1999 350 06/1999 369 09/1999 516 12/1999 415 03/2000 418 06/2000 464 09/2000 438 12/2000 379 03/2001 406 06/2001 421 09/2001 448 12/2001 459 03/2002 450 06/2002 500 09/2002 476 12/2002 467 03/2003 501 06/2003 511 09/2003 505 12/2003 473 03/2004 461 06/2004 460 09/2004 489 12/2004 470 03/2005 565 06/2005 532 09/2005 523 12/2005 575 03/2006 534 06/2006 536 09/2006 552 12/2006 551 03/2007 544 06/2007 583 09/2007 646 12/2007 636 03/2008 646 06/2008 733 09/2008 653 12/2008 644 03/2009 627 06/2009 582 09/2009 700 12/2009 713 03/2010 724 06/2010 658 09/2010 670 12/2010 633 03/2011 964 06/2011 924 09/2011 847 12/2011 830 03/2012 717 06/2012 730 09/2012 742 12/2012 742 03/2013 734 06/2013 727 09/2013 699 12/2013 762 03/2014 811 06/2014 814 09/2014 795 12/2014 783 03/2015 815 06/2015 882 09/2015 953 12/2015 896 03/2016 984 06/2016 905 09/2016 768 12/2016 822 03/2017 738 06/2017 743 09/2017 735 12/2017 751 03/2018 820 06/2018 842 09/2018 837 12/2018 787 03/2019 786 06/2019 770 09/2019 806 12/2019 745 03/2020 688 06/2020 676 09/2020 718 12/2020 815 03/2021 854 06/2021 961 09/2021 886 12/2021 950 03/2022 933 06/2022 957 09/2022 965 12/2022 946 03/2023 1002 06/2023 1006 09/2023 979