date value vard vardd 09/1983 111 title Private; Gross fixed capital formation - Dwellings - New and Used 12/1983 135 narrow cat. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Western Australia 03/1984 146 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1984 156 unit $ Millions 09/1984 175 prices Current prices 12/1984 190 source ABS 03/1985 169 dataset 5206.0 06/1985 183 seriestype Seasonally Adjusted 09/1985 187 12/1985 191 03/1986 207 06/1986 205 09/1986 206 12/1986 198 03/1987 207 06/1987 222 09/1987 219 12/1987 228 03/1988 233 06/1988 242 09/1988 304 12/1988 370 03/1989 400 06/1989 474 09/1989 429 12/1989 371 03/1990 340 06/1990 314 09/1990 299 12/1990 272 03/1991 272 06/1991 260 09/1991 256 12/1991 288 03/1992 277 06/1992 296 09/1992 327 12/1992 354 03/1993 375 06/1993 381 09/1993 444 12/1993 466 03/1994 487 06/1994 543 09/1994 549 12/1994 583 03/1995 543 06/1995 508 09/1995 437 12/1995 411 03/1996 426 06/1996 417 09/1996 419 12/1996 403 03/1997 442 06/1997 459 09/1997 516 12/1997 516 03/1998 508 06/1998 545 09/1998 535 12/1998 586 03/1999 595 06/1999 603 09/1999 575 12/1999 640 03/2000 776 06/2000 761 09/2000 657 12/2000 551 03/2001 556 06/2001 517 09/2001 588 12/2001 656 03/2002 652 06/2002 703 09/2002 704 12/2002 732 03/2003 737 06/2003 762 09/2003 778 12/2003 733 03/2004 870 06/2004 847 09/2004 868 12/2004 914 03/2005 990 06/2005 1024 09/2005 1090 12/2005 1189 03/2006 1279 06/2006 1350 09/2006 1410 12/2006 1423 03/2007 1487 06/2007 1521 09/2007 1533 12/2007 1501 03/2008 1551 06/2008 1597 09/2008 1513 12/2008 1633 03/2009 1604 06/2009 1605 09/2009 1585 12/2009 1582 03/2010 1446 06/2010 1510 09/2010 1547 12/2010 1549 03/2011 1620 06/2011 1828 09/2011 1364 12/2011 1508 03/2012 1420 06/2012 1237 09/2012 1411 12/2012 1375 03/2013 1524 06/2013 1680 09/2013 1846 12/2013 1832 03/2014 1959 06/2014 2046 09/2014 1981 12/2014 2183 03/2015 2318 06/2015 2217 09/2015 2284 12/2015 2239 03/2016 1939 06/2016 1921 09/2016 1673 12/2016 1562 03/2017 1396 06/2017 1386 09/2017 1430 12/2017 1364 03/2018 1465 06/2018 1415 09/2018 1313 12/2018 1341 03/2019 1220 06/2019 1219 09/2019 1164 12/2019 1097 03/2020 1098 06/2020 988 09/2020 1029 12/2020 1069 03/2021 1378 06/2021 1457 09/2021 1518 12/2021 1360 03/2022 1531 06/2022 1543 09/2022 1547 12/2022 1673 03/2023 1717 06/2023 1831 09/2023 1840