date value vard vardd 09/1985 1805 title Private; Gross fixed capital formation - Dwellings - New and Used 12/1985 1741 narrow cat. State Final Demand, Detailed Components: Victoria 03/1986 1492 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product 06/1986 1528 unit $ Millions 09/1986 1513 prices Chain volume measures 12/1986 1513 source ABS 03/1987 1446 dataset 5206.0 06/1987 1510 seriestype Original 09/1987 1484 12/1987 1542 03/1988 1552 06/1988 1614 09/1988 1816 12/1988 1812 03/1989 1732 06/1989 2001 09/1989 1873 12/1989 1691 03/1990 1393 06/1990 1499 09/1990 1387 12/1990 1270 03/1991 1025 06/1991 1004 09/1991 1063 12/1991 1129 03/1992 929 06/1992 1180 09/1992 1209 12/1992 1355 03/1993 1294 06/1993 1332 09/1993 1492 12/1993 1606 03/1994 1431 06/1994 1563 09/1994 1666 12/1994 1770 03/1995 1379 06/1995 1416 09/1995 1531 12/1995 1501 03/1996 1265 06/1996 1220 09/1996 1402 12/1996 1473 03/1997 1325 06/1997 1603 09/1997 1971 12/1997 2075 03/1998 1872 06/1998 2119 09/1998 2168 12/1998 2422 03/1999 2145 06/1999 2350 09/1999 2702 12/1999 2629 03/2000 2816 06/2000 3385 09/2000 2845 12/2000 2309 03/2001 2236 06/2001 2451 09/2001 2842 12/2001 2776 03/2002 2799 06/2002 3347 09/2002 3467 12/2002 3344 03/2003 3188 06/2003 3094 09/2003 3362 12/2003 3416 03/2004 3241 06/2004 3385 09/2004 3530 12/2004 3489 03/2005 2916 06/2005 3538 09/2005 3602 12/2005 3346 03/2006 2771 06/2006 3223 09/2006 3323 12/2006 3180 03/2007 2938 06/2007 3184 09/2007 3458 12/2007 3176 03/2008 2867 06/2008 3319 09/2008 3636 12/2008 3912 03/2009 3307 06/2009 3727 09/2009 4234 12/2009 3946 03/2010 3549 06/2010 4337 09/2010 4620 12/2010 4606 03/2011 3927 06/2011 4534 09/2011 4958 12/2011 4558 03/2012 3898 06/2012 4244 09/2012 4691 12/2012 4748 03/2013 4055 06/2013 4381 09/2013 4501 12/2013 4187 03/2014 4001 06/2014 4530 09/2014 4668 12/2014 4853 03/2015 4713 06/2015 5077 09/2015 5550 12/2015 5441 03/2016 5193 06/2016 6347 09/2016 5964 12/2016 5957 03/2017 5600 06/2017 6081 09/2017 6099 12/2017 5697 03/2018 5861 06/2018 6873 09/2018 6648 12/2018 6383 03/2019 6084 06/2019 6558 09/2019 6714 12/2019 6271 03/2020 5850 06/2020 6218 09/2020 6114 12/2020 6058 03/2021 5598 06/2021 6043 09/2021 6246 12/2021 5716 03/2022 5636 06/2022 5629 09/2022 5908 12/2022 5506 03/2023 5207 06/2023 5543 09/2023 5642