date value vard vardd 06/1990 71396 title General government; Final consumption expenditure 06/1991 77384 narrow cat. Expenditure, Income and Industry Components of Gross Domestic Product, Australia, Chain volume measures and current prices 06/1992 82523 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: State Accounts 06/1993 86074 unit $ Millions 06/1994 87784 prices Chain volume measure 06/1995 92432 source ABS 06/1996 98307 dataset 5220.0 06/1997 101706 seriestype Original 06/1998 107609 06/1999 116469 06/2000 122847 06/2001 131171 06/2002 138796 06/2003 147858 06/2004 158148 06/2005 170111 06/2006 182997 06/2007 197900 06/2008 213441 06/2009 232493 06/2010 245676 06/2011 264782 06/2012 283614 06/2013 289833 06/2014 300319 06/2015 311659 06/2016 331145 06/2017 350622 06/2018 368719 06/2019 396695 06/2020 433879 06/2021 467638 06/2022 513757 06/2023 546202