date value vard vardd 06/1990 114270 title Households; Final consumption expenditure 06/1991 112414 narrow cat. Expenditure, Income and Industry Components of Gross State Product, Victoria, Chain volume measures and current prices 06/1992 114720 broad cat. Australian National Accounts: State Accounts 06/1993 117483 unit $ Millions 06/1994 119067 prices Chain volume measures 06/1995 124803 source ABS 06/1996 128387 dataset 5220.0 06/1997 133034 seriestype Original 06/1998 140740 06/1999 150606 06/2000 157756 06/2001 162683 06/2002 168430 06/2003 175593 06/2004 183934 06/2005 192856 06/2006 198059 06/2007 206803 06/2008 214564 06/2009 215121 06/2010 222879 06/2011 233724 06/2012 241204 06/2013 243915 06/2014 250735 06/2015 258132 06/2016 267093 06/2017 275171 06/2018 285171 06/2019 292081 06/2020 281120 06/2021 269648 06/2022 288680 06/2023 307307